Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Battlegroup Overlord - Hawker Typhoon - 2nd Tactical Air Force

I had been busy finishing off a Fokker Dr1 I want to use for 20mm Blue Max games, down the club or wherever to be honest. I had trailed the basic concept of the stand with this, and instead of waiting till more WW1 planes were finished, decided to use it for the Typhoon that has been sitting on the workbench looking a bit useless.
The model was bought from a model shop in an industrial estate in Yeovil an unspecified time ago - maybe 2 years. It had deployed undercarriage with a stand. The undercarriage had to be cut out, filled in and the covers set into the wing. A screw was heated to provide the start of the top fitting, screwed into the fuselage and then the top was cut with pliers. The stub was then screwed into the perspex rod that was screwed in at the other end into the base.
Once the screws had been tightened up and checked for alignment and angle ( as discussed in the Fokker article, the holes in the perspex were too deep ), lashings of glue were applied and left to dry. When dry, the base was covered with polyfilla for weight and stability, then painted and flocked.
The finished article -
Why did I choose the Typhoon, with my prediliction for all things US. I'd love to get hold of a Thunderbolt or two, but there were none in the shop! Having read accounts of the counterattack at Mortain, as well as other  US actions, British 2nd Tactical Air Force supported US ground forces as well as the integral 9th Tactical Air Force. To be brutally frank, a Typhoon or a Thunderbolt running in on ground attack will make any German player sit up and take notice.    

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